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Posts Tagged ‘hobbies’

Zog3…we kick butt!

Posted by pbaffour on June 20, 2008

I recently joined the Zog Sports family of athletes. Yes, I’m still studying for the GMAT’s and it’s hard! But I just couldn’t pass up an opportunity to try something new and fun :), so after being asked repeatedly throughout the winter to join a Zog football(soccer) team (thanks Sarah), I finally did.

Our first game was yesterday– indoor style out door soccer– and we lost 6-5. Oh and I learnt something about myself: I kinda suck at football. Oh, something else I learnt was that I am badly out of shape, despite my sexy lean look. Anyway, If yesterday’s game was anything to go by, I’m pretty sure that those two problems will be fixed by the end of the season. By the first 10 minutes if the first half, our opponents were up 4 goals to nil, and we spent the rest of the match trying to catch up. I think we did a pretty splendid job getting to 5, and allowing them just two extra goals…

If you haven’t played indoor football a.k.a small poles before, you might be tempted to think it’s a pushover– very wrong! By the end of the first half, I was ready to go have a beer. There was lots of running involved and the game kinda never really stopped because there are no out of bounds lines.

If you haven’t tried out Zog ,Sports, I urge you to. It’s a pretty sweet group of people you get to hang out with– and then you get to drink afterwards! Check out or to see what they still have open. You’ll probably have a choice between football (soccer), dodge ball, kickball, touch football and basketball. Go on check it out!

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